When choosing hosting for a public blog network or a private blog network, there are many things to consider.
The first and most important is diversity. You need to make sure that your network is as diverse as possible. This includes multiple hosting companies. I always suggest that you use at least 2-3 different hosting companies. If you want to have a small network of 50-100 sites, you don’t need to use 50-100 different web hosts. You can still use just 2 hosting companies, but you will need a different shared hosting account for each site.
Having multiple hosting accounts will be the most expensive part of the blog network, but it’s mandatory if you want to keep your domains from getting deindexed. Putting more than one site on a shared account is very risky, using SEO hosting with one server and multiple IP’s is an almost guaranteed way to get your network banned or deindexed.
Why not use Class C IP’s or SEO Hosting?
With multiple Class C IP addresses, SEO hosting companies buy big blocks of IP addresses and then lease them individually to you. In my opinion, Google knows who owns the IP addresses. Since Google knows that you’re using a SEO host, they can rightly assume that you’re running a network. When you start linking to similar sites, your network will start to become more apparent.
When you’re investing thousands of dollars into building a good network, you don’t want to throw it all away to save on hosting fees.
Blog network hosting prices and costs
The wrong way to host a blog network is definitely less expensive, but the network is often short lived and deindexed within the first year or less.
Right way to setup a blog network of 100 sites:
100 different shared hosting accounts, ~$400-600 per month
Hostgator.com: $5.56 per month for 12 months
Namecheap.com: $3.95 per month for 12 months
I personally only use Hostgator and Namecheap for my hosting and Namecheap for all of my domains. They’re both rock-solid and have very little (if any) downtime. Downtime is a big factor since you don’t want to have to monitor your website uptime.
Wrong way to setup a blog network of 100 sites:
1 hosting account with 100 different IP’s, $100-450 per month
ClassCIPHosting.com: $100 per month
SEOHost.com: $200 per month
SEOHosting.com (Hostgator): $450 per month
As you can see the pricing is generally less expensive, but the cost of rebuilding your entire network should be a consideration.
How about our network?
Our network takes web hosting one step further. Instead of buying 4000 different hosting accounts, we pay people to post on the blogs they already own. We don’t have to hide our footprints from Google because there are no footprints!
Each blog in our network is owned by a different person, that means there are 4000 different hosting accounts all around the world. Some are using popular hosts like Hostgator, BlueHost, 1and1, Godaddy, etc., while others are using servers in their home and using small web hosts that only serve a few clients. This gives you the greatest possible diversity.